Become A Member 

Membership in NCAIS demonstrates a school’s commitment to high standards and is recognized nationally as an indicator of excellence. Membership is open to independent schools across the state that meet the requirements for membership outlined below. Scroll down to access our online application or contact us if you have questions.

Classes of Membership and Qualifications for Membership 

Active Membership

Active Membership confers the right to vote in the affairs of the Corporation.

To be eligible for Active Membership, a school must:

  • Be an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3), academic school located in North Carolina
  • Have been in operation at least 2 years
  • Be non-discriminatory in its admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, educational policies, and athletic and other school administered programs
  • Conduct elementary and/or secondary school classes
  • Be accredited by one of the following:
    • Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)
    • Cognia
    • Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

*If you are accredited by another accrediting organization that has an affiliation with one of the above or follows a similarly rigorous process, please contact us for special consideration.

Provisional Membership

Provisional Membership is a special non-voting category for schools working toward accreditation by an approved agency.

To be eligible for Provisional Membership a school must:

  • Meet all of the qualifications for active membership with the exception of full accreditation
  • Be actively working toward accreditation by one of the three approved accrediting agencies
  • Obtain full accreditation within three years of membership date.  Additional financial documentation may be requires for consideration.  Any school entering into membership under this category must be reviewed by the Board every five years and submit updated information as requested.

Out of State Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is a special non-voting category for out-of-state schools that meet all accreditation criteria for Active Membership.  Affiliate members will have all rights afforded Active Members with the exception of legislative oversight, voting rights, and Board membership.  Affiliate Members will pay dues at 80% of full member dues.

Procedures for Obtaining Membership

A school that satisfies the conditions for membership may submit an application form, the application fee of $100, and the following documents:

  • A copy of all printed material included in applicant packet
  • A copy of a resolution from the school’s governing body signed by its chair and its chief administrative officer stating that the school desires active membership in NCAIS;
  • A copy of the membership certificate from an approved accrediting agency, or a letter applying for accreditation from an approved agency;
  • A copy of the Board resolution which states that the school does not discriminate contrary to all applicable laws in its admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, educational policies, and athletic and other school administered programs;
  • A copy of the nonprofit 501(C)(3) form;
  • A copy of the school’s by-laws.
Click Here to Apply!

Click Here for a Downloadable Application

Annual Dues

NCAIS dues are based on a percentage of total operating budget revenue.  The rate is recommended by the Board and approved by the membership each January for the following year.

Dues are collected on an annual basis each August. In order to give new member schools adequate time for planning and budgeting, dues are not prorated from the time of membership.  New member schools will be assessed for dues in July following their approval as a new member.  Benefits and access to NCAIS programs and services, however, begin immediately upon approval.

Current Members: Renew your membership HERE