Volume 3, Issue 8 - April 2024

School safety remains a paramount concern for communities nationwide. It's something we don't want to think about, but recent events are a stark reminder of just how important it is to have a solid plan in place. To continue reading, click HERE.

 Educators have long recognized the importance of teaching students skills in perspective-taking, emotion management, and self-regulation. Research from CASEL, the Center for Social and Emotional Learning, highlights the benefits of such skills for young children. It shows that when these skills are taught, academic performance improves, particularly in reading, and there is a decrease in rates of bullying, substance abuse, and early sexual behavior. To continue reading, click HERE.

I have been in education for nearly 35 years and a college counselor for 25 years working at three different independent schools, and one of the most important things I have learned is mentorship matters. To continue reading, click HERE.
Opportunities for Students
To learn more, click the images below.

Opportunities for Faculty & Staff
To learn more, click the images below.

Sponsor Spotlight
Many thanks to Safe Haven and TIAA for their support of NCAIS.
 Safe Haven Defense manufactures and installs protective laminates that transform your glass into a shield. With three levels of protection to choose from, our laminates protect against bullets from handguns, shotguns, and AR-15 rifles, as well as forced entry, riots, blasts, and hurricanes. Safe Haven Defense laminates fortify your structure with unparalleled strength, safeguarding the people and property inside, while allowing time to seek assistance.
Ideal for educational facilities, corporations, retail establishments, government buildings, police and military, places of worship and financial institutions, Safe Haven Defense laminates are applied on-site, over your existing windows without the need for modifications or retrofitting. Please visit SafeHavenDefense.com to view demonstration videos and obtain additional information about our products.
To speak with a Safe Haven Defense representative, please contact Tony Pustizzi at (954) 743-7199 or [email protected]. |
 TIAA was founded in 1918 to help teachers retire with confidence. That mission grew to include those in healthcare and more, creating reliable income for their futures while they work to make a difference today. Our commitment to be the change—for our clients, associates and communities—has never wavered and it’s what motivates us to deliver lifetime income for all with investments that build a better world.
Amaka Nsonwu Farmer Director, Multiple Employer Plans | Retirement Solutions P 704 988 6916 [email protected]